'Did Lupiitaa freaking win the Oscar???' my friend asked.
'She did. She freaking freaking freaking did.'
In an age where there is heavy cultural dominance from the americans, sweeping into the world, where many black women wear chemical straightened hair, expensive brazillian, indian and american weaves or spend expensively on creams that alter their skin color, some star who wears her blackness like a badge of honor, skin and hair,went ahead to win an Oscar! In her blackness, she lives happy, she lives complete. This is utmostly a welcome and relieving celebration, a good thing for our generation and a great moment in time. A great moment, not just for all blacks, but all beginners, all strivers, all girls who have forgotten what it means to be natural, beautiful, black...or who never even knew.
My friend says, Let's be honest, this Lupita girl is not fine, look at her well. I say, she is. I think it's time you redefined your perception of beauty, it's too E!, too hollywoodian. She laughs. It's sad that people think of beauty merely as hair extensions, perfect makeup, lightened skin and great body curves.Though the media upholds that, it is the wrong perception of beauty. It's depressing and even shameful, that many black women still see their hair as unsightly, untidy and unfit to wear natural. Being born with a dark skin and kinky hair isn't the creator's mistake, but a matchless design. This same friend argues with heat that Michelle Obama is not fine. Michelle?? Bad belle. She goes on attacking these women and who are her heroes? Kim Kourtney Kardashian. Yimu. I love my friend but many times, we have differing views, like what we find attractive is different. However, we both watch E!
My friend says, Let's be honest, this Lupita girl is not fine, look at her well. I say, she is. I think it's time you redefined your perception of beauty, it's too E!, too hollywoodian. She laughs. It's sad that people think of beauty merely as hair extensions, perfect makeup, lightened skin and great body curves.Though the media upholds that, it is the wrong perception of beauty. It's depressing and even shameful, that many black women still see their hair as unsightly, untidy and unfit to wear natural. Being born with a dark skin and kinky hair isn't the creator's mistake, but a matchless design. This same friend argues with heat that Michelle Obama is not fine. Michelle?? Bad belle. She goes on attacking these women and who are her heroes? Kim Kourtney Kardashian. Yimu. I love my friend but many times, we have differing views, like what we find attractive is different. However, we both watch E!
Lupita's victory reminds me of Gladys Casely-Hayford's beautiful and deep poem, it was the first and my best from the West African Verse. I remember singing it with classmates in FGGC with unfathomable pride. Enjoy.
Rejoice and shout with laughter,
Throw all your burdens down
Throw all your burdens down
If God has been so gracious,
As to make you black or brown...
As to make you black or brown...
For you are a great nation,
A people of great birth
A people of great birth
For where will spring the flowers,
If God took away the earth..
If God took away the earth..
Rejoice and shout with laughter,
Throw all your burdens down
Throw all your burdens down
Yours is a glorious heritage,
If you are black or brown...
If you are black or brown...
Lupita said, 'And finally I realized that Beauty is not a thing I had to acquire or consume. It's something I just had to be.' She's right.
It's your time and space and you're rocking it real good.
Africaaan woman, beautiful woman, wear you blackness like a brooch on your chest because its just the thing. So when you think of beauty, do count yourself in. I'm right.
End of story!